time: 12:37am
mood: =^^=
eating: n/a
watching: the witcher
long time no update!! this year flew by. im a true aries moon in the sense that i engulf myself into new passions and quickly move on to the next.. i've been getting really into blender. i've even been 3d scanning things using meshroom. there's so much to learn and improve in. in the meantime i'm moving out of my studio next week..so sad :'-( 
at the moment i've been going in a very colorful direction...

time: 12:08am
mood: =^..^=
eating: herbal tea
listening: n/a
here is a preview of something im very excited to work on... i call her uffie!!
i finally sat down and watched some blender tutorials over the weekend and made my first model. i wanted to try to make my on going project entrance or exit in 3d like i always wanted, but felt too intimidated by it :-p anyways uffie isn't a perfect model and i'm not done with the wings but its pretty close. i think next is going to put on the uv map and maybe learn rigging if i can, lol. anyways im so excited :-D :-D :-D

time: 10:15pm
mood: aaaaaaaah
eating: whiskey ginger
listening: swell maps - jane from occupied europe (still)
i don't know why i don't complain about work more often on my own personal website where no one i know irl will read it. anyways work sucks and out of all the things...the thing that drains me the most is working for the wealthy. i hate it. i can't afford a dentist and i have to hear people complain about their noses or diamond rings or which four-figure photograph to put in their bathroom... therapy for gallery assistants 2019. last weekend was very dramatic and traumatic and long story short the cops brought my grandma (with alzheimers) home (after a fight with my mom which led her to run away) and she's been in the hospital/nursing home this week and my mom is depressed and it makes me depressed and i just want to cry everyday because our family can't afford proper health insurance for my grandma who has dementia and needs 24/7 care and my family has been her caregiver for the last three years and it's been so draining but also not having her home is very emotionally draining.. it's complicated. anyways........

time: 9:49pm
mood: shmacked
eating: seltzer
listening: swell maps - jane from occupied europe
i've been discovering and listening to a lot of good music lately.. slint, swell maps, wipers, mission of burma, and found out urusei yatsura came out with much more music than i originally knew about! it's so interesting and im glad to have come across it. i ordered 3 cd's from discogs because i guess im starting a cd collection lol
today was a cool crisp day spent painting at my studio assisting gig. the artist i work for is having a show in the spring so we're making work again! except she was away most of the day so it was just me and another assistant quietly painting and listening to wnyc and casually chatting lol.
my other day job (as a gallery assistant) is going to be interesting this week while the folks in charge are away in paris for a fair. im hoping for a very quiet week without a crisis

i am very happy with how this video came out and want to make more stuff.. after gowanus open studios i got all pooped out and didnt go to my studio for like two weeks, but now i am feelin creatively buzzed again.

time: 9:03am
mood: a little stressed lol
eating: coffee with macadamia nut milk :-)
listening: puzzle - captivating individual
i like when things go unexpectedly in my favor, for example, not having to go work at my part-time gig this morning :-) i have a studio visit at 3pm so i really need all the time to prepare!! lol. its 9am as we speak and im planning to leave for my studio around ~10am so i get there at 11am. my work has been going... okay. i still have a hard time narrowing down my thesis but in response to that i've just been making a lot of work. yesterday i spent all day prepping canvases which was a whole endeavour lol. my paintings have evolved and now im using pouring medium on all of them. i love pouring medium lol.. its so gloopy and messy and requires a lot of paitence but it makes such a nice slick clear layer to paint on top of *chefs kiss* and ive been adding color to it so its like layers of sheer color.. so yummy.
my favorite thing to do lately in the mornings is a wake n' bake with a coffee and milk.. so nice. anyways, gonna go get ready 2 leave the house. i leave yall with this painting duo i finished? yesterday =^..^=

time: 12:49am
mood: sad and sad
eating: french fries and wine
listening: my own recordings (lol)
so today (yesterday) is national coming out day AND the day my best friend died. for whatever reason i thought it was a few days ago but it was actually today. anyways you don't have to ask yes im sad as shit. i miss her everyday and she was queer as heck and helped me realize i was also queer as heck. my other half for 10 years.... sorry im so sad all the time but this has been a difficult time for me. my other best friend is in ireland and im pretty much alone without my boyfriend. im still in grieving m0de i guess. be kind to one another because you don't know whats going on in someone's life. peace out

time: 9:04pm
mood: sad
eating: orange juice
listening: cap'n jazz
oooh cap'n jazz is so good. ive heard of them years ago and never game em a listen!!. i've been listening to a lot music -- lately it's the garden/puzzle/enjoy/remo drive circa 2014-15/emo etc, and wishin i could make my own music
i have some gear on my wishlist and im soo tempted to get some guitar pedals.. i feel so limited because i can't play the kind of music i want to make
. i loove the kind of distorted/feedback/noisy sounds from bands like sonic youth & my bloody valentine.. :-3
current items on my wishlist: squier jazzmaster in sonic blue(the best color), devi ever shoegazer (someday), magnetic effects solar bender, any ol reverb pedal, focusrite scarlett 2i2, to be continued...

time: 1:45pm
mood: ok
eating: homemade perogies
listening: youtube drama
hey yall long time no update......i feel so bad i havent been able to update this website with new content....but life gets in the way as u know
. im currently gallery sitting as part of my volunteer shift for my residency (that's still going on!) and later im going stop by the new york art book fair
. so what's going on in my life? weeell work is okay, my art has been..whatever lol (realizing various deadlines are coming up and i should buckle down eeek! i been slacking), my boyfriend just started a new job which is both exciting and scary. it's a significant salary-upgrade but with that comes with new stress o_o! last night he was having another panic attack while in a cab going to my house and i was on the phone with him the whole time trying to calm him down :-( i had just gotten out of work and had to wait like 30+ mins for an express bus home and he kept wanting to go to the hospital.. luckily my mom was home to help him out and he was able to calm down finally. not a fun time overall.
this residency has been cool but to be honest i was sort of painting kind of aimlessly so while i was having lunch at work yesterday this idea came to me like a lightbulb coming on. im really into the idea of loss and memory and archiving and using painting as a way to "preserve"... for a while i was painting scans from FRUiTS magazine which was fulfilling for a while but i lost momentum and need to regroup my thoughts and reflect before i go back to the series. the internet (and technology) has in a way played a part in my practice even if not evident at first. i think it's because of growing up with the internet while it was still this new frontier (and very different from now) and experiencing first hand how quickly technology advances and also deteriorates. my family still has all our vhs tapes and hi8 camcorders and they hold all these precious memories that are in constant danger of being lost due to obsoletion.. that kind of anxiety is always on my mind. we can clearly see it with dead links and the death of geocities. as amazing as the wayback machine is, it still has a lot of holes. the internet DOES indeed forget.
that idea has been the thread between the different series i've painted. while in school my work was more self reflective and i was shooting videos of my life on a hi8 camcorder and painting stills from it. before that i was using google maps to revisit the neighborhood i grew up in and lived in for 18 years before we were kicked out of our apartment by the co-op. when i did the series, you were able to go into google map's time machine and see how the neighborhood looked in 2008. i think i tried to do this recently and was heart broken to find out I can only go as far as 2011??? the decay of memory on the internet is FAST. anyways, this is a series i always wanted to revisit. however im losing track. the idea that came to me like a light bulb turning on was about taking the pieces of whatever was left on geocities via the wayback machine and preserving them for my own archive.. i found so many amazing personal websites (as u neocitizens would know) that just don't exist anymore. ive been thinking a lot about the centralization of social media and the internet in general. anyways..i have some thinking 2 do. time 2 gather up resources.

time: 1:20am
mood: overwhelemd
eating: another margerita
listening: mom jeans live on audio tree
at the same time, dudes suck and i can only be friends with fellow lgbt folk :-| see xhibit a: all my friends are not straight
even my boyrfirned, of 5 years, is bi, like me .. .

time: 1:00am
mood: emo
eating: n/a
listening: 2014 remo drive
okay, after thinking about it more, i shouldve realized it was more of a date situation and i shouldve been more upfront about it beforehand... too late i guess lol... i just feel so bad for the guy because our studios are in the same building and ill inevitabley run into him again lol. u_u im doooomed

time: 12:22am
mood: sad
eating: margerita
listening: 2015 remo drive
the other day was so freakin weird i wish i had someone irl to talk about it with.. but alas.. here i am thinking i could make new friends from my residency program but this dude i thought i was platonically going out to drinks with obviously thought it was a date and when i casually told him i had a boyfriend things got sooo awkward. . . i shouldve had known better in hindsight but i've been burned before by dudes who pretend to be my friend in hopes they get to go out with me and i was just hoping that this time... years later.. as an adult.. i could just hang out with a dude as a friend.....:-( is this endeavour just pointless?? my one best friend died last year and my other best friend is in a different country miles and miles away for grad school.. i was just hoping to make new friends :-( ...

mood: satisfied
eating: ramen
listening: *the 100 plays in the background*
long time no update!! i've been in hawaii the past week and have been loving it :-D i dont wanna leave!! i will update with more details and pics once i fly back home teehee.. i surfed and hiked and snorkled and got sunburned and stung by jellyfish and saw dolphins and maybe a tortoise? ? and even a pet surfing competition :-D its sooo insanely bootiful here. to be continued..

mood: energized
eating: ramen
listening: fall out boy - sugar we're going down
im so happy im going to hawaii soon! i was able to take off work on our last day before we close for renovation teehee :-) ive been thinking about music a lot and i wish i was a more committed guitar player lol... but without further ado
my recent music favs:
1. remo drive
their album greatest hits can do no wrong. i love every song on this guy. hits the right emo feels and guitar fuzz. tbh i dont care for their latest album but this one smacks. have many songs on repeat. i even learned one on the guitar. how do i make music like this? i love it
favorite songs: name brand, yer killing me, strawberita, art school
2. urusei yatsura
equally as good. more pop and more guitar noise. i also love this band to death and have painted the guitarist over and over. so dreamy. also, how can i be in a band like this? lo-fi and poppy and the right amount of 90s y2k nostalgia. the soundtrack to an alternative universe flcl.
favorite songs: plastic ashtray, phasers on stun, first day on a new planet, kewpies like watermelon, slain by elf
3. superchunk
what a pleasant suprise to still find music like this. in a cooler timeline im a skater chick listening to this in the 00's with posters up on my bedroom walls with a hot myspace page. sometimes a song just tugs on my heartstrings like a sappy lovesick desperado.
favorite songs: detroit has a skyline, slack motherfucker, cast iron
4. iceage
a band whose sound is constantly evolving. post-punk and lovesick and urgent and like a sloppy younger me but, cooler and wears a suit and reads poetry. again, how do i make this kind of music? fast paced and full of energy. another band who was on constant repeat. my thoughts on their newest album? i really like two or three songs, but the rest are just okay. i find i prefer a band's younger discography. it's fresh and raw. still an amazing band that i would love to see live. again, the singer? so dreamy. this music makes me feel things.
favorite songs: you're nothing, rodfaestet, ectasy, morals, you're blessed, thieves like us, catch it, beyondless, painkiller
5. fall out boy
a freakin classic. i remember in middle school watching their music videos on mtv and i'm still singing my heart out to sugar we're going down years later. it's the band that binds me and my friends together. i love that my boyfriend and i can sing every song together from under the cork tree. it's about being a dork and being true to your feelings and being vulnerable. so dang freaking catchy and poppy and emo and makes me nostalgic of myspace and being a scene kid and chilling with my best friend. i dont care for their later work but their first three albums have my heart forever. i can't deny it. ill always be a 2000's emo kid at heart.
favorite songs: xo, nobody puts baby in the corner, dead on arrival, sugar we're going down, my heart is the worst kind of weapon, a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me, the whole evening out with your girlfriend album lol
honorable mentions:
guided by voices - game of pricks
sounds like a daydream. i've covered this song. my boyfriend and i love it and i could play it on repeat all day..
the garden
a recent discovery.. fresh, funny, contemporary, catchy and if mac demarco was a juggalo. music being made now is so cool? how do i find more like this?
projekt a-ko
unfourtunately that haven't taken a hold like urusei yatsura had. feels less punchy and catchy. still has some golden moments like in nothing works twice. sonic heaven to my ears.
modern baseball
three cheers to the emo revival! but i think this band is no longer active..which is unfourtunate. they have some killer tunes and would love to hear more boppers.
okay, thats all for now.

mood: anxious
eating: n/a
listening: remo drive
well i booked plane tickets to hawaii for later this month! :-D i waited until the very last moment lol.. but my job is closed for two weeks for renovation & ill be visiting my brother who is moving out of hawaii at the end of the year & my mom also booked tickets so it was like.. a triple sign lol. but my flight overlaps with the last day of work so im going to request that day off and hope i get it >-<''
keep yall posted..

eating: ice cream
listening: remo drive
hi. i am just a little extra sad today.

eating: nothing
listening: nothing
today i am volunteering as part of my residency program. it requires me to gallery sit for three hours. as i type i am 20 minutes away from the end of my shift. it was very boring 
i spent the morning cleaning my room, getting rid of junk and dusting all my shelves.. i didn't cover all that much surface but it's a little more organized :-) hehe.
after i leave im going to pick up some snacks and beer and go shower and finish cleaning my room!! can't believe this weekend went by already.

eating: asahi
listening: system of a down - chop suey
eeeks! it's already the end of july. hope it was a good one!!

eating: spicy tempura seeweed
listening: *youtube plays in the bg*
i had a nice chill sunday. i woke up around 10:45am, went to my studio for a few hours, then i walked ~15 mins to sunrise mart for snacks (it was sooo nice out!) and then before getting on the bus home i grabbed some crispy tofu takeout! it's my go-to lately and i saved some for lunch tomorrow :-) i wanted to spend some time on pampering myself today so i went home a little early and i took a nice shower, slapped on a sheet mask and did my nails!
i miss drawing and comics have been on my mind lately so while in the shower i was daydreaming ideas!! back in 2016 i made a one-shot comic to submit for lilies anthology and while i wasn't accepted i've always wanted to re-do it and expand on it!! anyone else always want to retell the same story in a thousand ways?? i was drawing this one sci-fi comic for a while and i always end up re-doing it..lol. but i just wanna draw cute romance/slice of life comics with demon girls :-)
another shower thought i had was to make a fashion based zine? i've been digging into 90s-00s fashion archives/magazines for my art practice for maybe the past two years and the y2k resurgence is alive and well...which i can be fully sentimental about since i was a wee ol tween during that period and very much remember consuming many magazines during my formative years. my lo-key fav fashion youtubers are ppl like internet girl, rian phin, kailee mckenzie. and im loving what kiko mizuhara is doing with her office kiko brand (also ive been a unif fan for many many years). the concept for my monthly zine could be like 3-4 "personalities" who feature media/things they like, outfits they put together, and whatever else! short interviews, drawings, and maybe stickers. would that even be logistical? i just want to make something cute and enjoyable and share content with others!
well okay, i'm going to go wind down for the night

eating: n/a
listening: n/a
i should be sleeping but here i am!! hello! i was able to get a few hours in the studio in despite my slight hangover and sleeping in late :-) the start of my residency is coming up with our first meeting on wednesday.. i need to prepare my lil artist slide!
ann demeulemeester spring/summer 1999
so this skirt i ordered online came in the mail today and i think i will return it :-( bummer! it's nice but it's a lil see through and the color wasn't what i was expecting! anyways i don't love it so no reason to keep it..

but in better news i finally was able to grab a shirt i've been lusting after for years! it's the anna sui x opening ceremony top that i saw in store like...3 years ago and i didn't get it then but it's been on my mind since
and i've even featured it on my comic characters! i've come across it once on depop and waited too long to get it and that was like maybe a year ago lmao. anyways its finally in my hands. lucky me :-)
i want to make comics again...haha

mood: (‐^▽^‐)
eating: miller high life
listening: n/a
i'm on a 4 day weekend break!! woohoo!! yesterday was super fun my friend and her mom came over for a bbq with my family! i made a lemon froyo and it was soo good. then my boyfriend came later and we all watched the fireworks on tv and hung out. also i got into petz again.. i'm so happy the community online is still thriving cause that's what made me want to play again! i played catz 4+5 as a kid and i loved it soo much. i can't believe some of the websites i used to visit are still up. i even remember using petz workshop to make my own breed files! i tried to do that today but for some reason i can't get my files to show up in game..hmm lol. anyways im so obssessed with this breed called trinket i got from VPZ Research Center. below are some pics of my two cats syd and glitter!! hover for descriptions!

mood: (‐^▽^‐)
eating: sapporo
listening: unif radio
hi!! i wish i had something to post about but i've been a lil uninspired this week!! yesterday i went to my studio for the first time in a week and i just spent a half hour goofing off and then i went home. lol
and today i was planning to go to my studio for the day, then my boyfriend wanted to go to pride(we're both bi!)....and then we slept in and didnt go
so because i was so freakin bored and can't stand not doing anything i decided to learn reaper, a free/cheap DAW (digital audio workspace) and oh my gosh is it soooo much better than audacity. it's not too difficult to learn and i've tried it out with live guitar playing & making drum tracks already. its soooo cool and handy! comparing the two programs is like microsoft paint vs. adobe photoshop. i'm excited to use it more in the future! i've always dreamed of having a lil music production workstation when i move out to my own place..
so i'm actually coming in to work tomorrow (monday) when i'd normally be off because i'm helping my boss out with a pretty important meeting. o_o we're having a meeting with one of our photographers and like the biggest deal in the art world. like im talking about *uber* rich art patron w/ connections to art museums here in nyc. it's wild lol. but then i'm working tuesday and wednesday and then we're having a 4 day weekend!!! and THEN we're switching to our summer hours so i'll be working monday-friday like normal people lmao. ahh... did i mention i finally got paid for 6 months of freelance work on TOP of my full time job? working in the arts is both rewarding and a freakin struggle...

mood: lazy
eating: ice coffee
listening: projekt a-ko
guess what! my cd came in the mail yesterday. after some hiccups with trying to rip the files (i lack a cd drive, my boyfriend's laptop had a lot of issues with music programs lol..) i borrowed my dad's external cd drive and ta-da!! here is projekt a-ko's album yoyodyne for u all in a zip! this was my first time hearing the music sans one song. here is my review: this album is very much a continuation of the previous band urusei yatsura (which features the same three members) but with some slower tunes thrown in. it still has that dreamy disorted guitar sound a-la sonic youth/my bloody valentine/dinosaur jr and riffs that just stick in ur head.. i've been relistening to this album a few times over and while not all songs are winners imo im glad i took a chance and got to uncover some otherwise lost music.. enjoy!

mood: sappy
eating: pumpkin dumpling
listening: ovlov
i've been listening to a whole lot of urusei yatsura lately..like, it's all i listen to. lol
and i've made other new discoveries like superchunk and ovlov... but i learned that urusei yatsura formed another act called project a-ko and it has been SUPER difficult to find any music from them ;_; besides this one youtube video.. their myspace is unfourtunately moot but not all is lost because i tracked down literally the only cd available for sale on discogs and promptly swiped it. so now its on my way from the uk and it's now my duty to share it with the world:-) thanks myspace for destroying archives of underground music:-(
speaking of archives my laptop is scarily filling up with space ALREADY! after one stinkin' year. so i ordered an external hardrive and will finally work on creating my own personal archive..
anyways, here's some recent snapshots of what's been going on in my studio!

mood: :-)
eating: seltzer water
listening: n/a (sailor moon plays in the bg...)
wow what a nice day!! i was planning to go to my studio straight after work but i got a message from the group chat that my friend was having an opening tonight and it was very last minute...but of course i had to make it!! so instead i spent all night w him which i dont regret at all :-) some pics below.. <3 <3 <3

his work was at shin gallery in nyc (on orchard st) for this week! i met him back in 2016 when we did a residency together and he ended up going to yale for grad school and he just graduated and im so proud of him!! :-D here we r together at a bar called boys don't cry...hehe

mood: sad
eating: wine
listening: never meant - american football
ive been enjoying the pigura doll base from pinkland lately :~) this time it's a lil me! hehe
i wore this outfit the other day for south brooklyn open studios~
featured: my new top from mango, staatsballett pants, and good ol vintage doc's made in england!

mood: tired
eating: n/a
listening: paranoid - the dickies
morning neocities! i am writing to you all from my phone (lol). i’m currently on the bus going to work.. ive been so busy the past week! im trying to squeeze in studio time after work but i can only manage 1-2 hrs before it gets too late... i dont exactly live very close to my studio but its as close as itll ever get in new york city lol
im participating in south brooklyn open studios tomorrow! so that will be fun and motivate myself to get in there before noon... since ive barely made anything in the week i was there im bringing some works from home to help fill the space!!
have a good day,

time: 11:18PM
mood: sleepy
eating: n/a
listening: sailor moon
what a sleepy yet eventful day! im all moved in to my studio and have started prepping some canvases:-) it still looks pretty bare..but it won't be long before ill be hanging up paintings on the walls. see pics below!!
studio selfie time! we went to home depot to pick up a few more things and i got this mirror lol

time: 9:27PM
mood: excited
eating: grape candy and asahi (i finally went to the new sunrise mart in brooklyn and wow is it huge!!)
listening: nothing o_o
happy june!! i didnt plan on moving in to my studio until tomorrow but i couldnt help myself and went in there to pick up my key and check it out and also get used to entering the building (u need a code) and funny enough i totally couldnt figure out the code until someone helped me LOL. what happened was the code was written like #1234 and i didnt think i had to press the pound key...im so dumb lol.
gawrsh im soo freakin excited tho to have my very own studio..after all these years u_u. its small but i think it fits my current needs perfectly. so tonight im gonna get all my things in one place and tomorrow my dad will help me move since he has a car and can drive and i cannot :-).
AH!! ♡♡(•͈⌔•͈ ⑅)♡

time: 9:19PM
mood: stuffed
eating: too much food!!!
listening: sailor moon
ive been watching sailor moon all day lol. i also made this doll using a base from pink land! i couldnt decide on the shorts... but these r fun to make:-)

i want to add a page dedicated to dolling but maybe once i get more content.
ta ta for now,

time: 5:27PM
mood: (∩^o^)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
eating: fresh fruits
listening: n/a
whoo! three-day weekend. i'm having a nice time at home with family :-) i move into my art studio next weekend and i've been doing a little supply shopping! i currently have these in my cart >>>
i wanted to make my space cute and cozy hehe. i will of course share photos of my studio once im all settled in!! i can't wait!

time: 8:47PM
mood: =^..^= @->---
eating: wine
listening: n/a
another update just to share this video i made the other night :-) i miss making videos and i want to make more... u can view a compilation of my stuff on my artist website (michelleselwa.com) and my latest video here AND on my instagram (but edited) heree.
i like the combination of music + video like the way pipilotti rist does it and that one video im obssessed with (here) by cecilia condit.. i always wanted to make a musical but that feels like a big project beyond me.. but never say never!
maybe in my new studio i can have a lil set up.. i mean, ive got a green screen & even one studio light (lol) so maybe look out!!

time: 8:13PM
mood: skrezzed
eating: queso de frier
listening: ambient noize
hi neocities! wow what week. i was super moody on my last post. but tbh im just not having a great week LOL work is just getting me down (one mistake and disaster after the other...) but anywho- i got my ultrasound results and everything is fine!! we made an appointment anyways just for a second opinion but that is a relief lol (also..my doctor is so nice!!). also i THOUGHT i was done with the dentist but sike ive got like two more appointments...pray for my wallet.......... -_- dont be like me..i havent seen a dentist in like 4 years and now im paying for it big time (i dont have dental insurance tho so can u blame me health care is stupidly expensive and it wasnt until my new job that i can afford it..)
anyways even tho work will be the death of me im gonna have a wine and relax with my boyfriend who is finally off and i finally get to spend time with him so im just gonna try 2 chill out. the office decided to take off on saturday so itll be a fun long weekend and ill be hanging with my brother :-) :-) :-)

time: 4:05AM
mood: anxious
eating: cheese string
listening: sailor moon season 3 dub in the background
i should really go to bed but i haven't had a monday off in like a month ashffgjk and in the morning i have to go to two dr appointments which i am really not looking forward to lol...
(tmi) i have an ultrasound appt which will prolly turn out ok but i cant help but be anxious....my best friend very recently passed from cancer and she was only 24 and im obviously still very sad about it and i miss my boyfriend and i think i just want attention :-( in better news my older brother is visiting from hawaii!! so that's been fun since we barely get to talk and meet. anywho wish me luck :-( :-( :-( after my radiology appt im going like..straight to the dentist for my last (supposedly) appointment which is costing me over $700 out of pocket ashfghk..... and after paying for my studio im so broke this month.eeeeeeeeeek

time: 9:24PM
mood: funny
eating: sapporro
listening: youtube autoplay
wow!! whoever linked to this site made my day.. this is so funny check it out:

this painting turns 3D like so
i could do this all day...
in other news, i made a new painting today and i wanted to play around with ............color,......form...words are losing me. i took influence from marlene dumas and anthony cudahy. maybe even put hito steryel in there only because i spent forever reading her book and her words are lodged in my brain now.
walter van beirendonck..f/w 1999, 9x12'' acrylic on panel.. i love walter van and his line wild&lethal trash..one day i will find a piece for me on ebay..

time: 12:37PM
mood: cold, yet dilligent
eating: n/a
listening: cowgirl clue
when i moved from an apartment to a house i left roaches behind but now my new enemy is... ants. and carpet beatles. and wasps. :-|
happy mothers day if you celebrate it! i got my mom a lil gift and we had pancakes for breakfast. then i found ants crawling on my window sill
and THEN a carpet beatle! i have been at war with carpet beatles for years now ever since i found them nesting in my paintings that i stored under my bed. now theres nothing under my bed. that's also when i made the switch from painting on canvas to panel
. but every now and then i find a lil bugger crawling..they drive me crazy
anyways this was such a weird BLAH week! i mean it wasn't all bad but i got sick with a cold and was out of work for two days and i went back to work on saturday to find out that.. i didn't miss much lol. oh well!! im going to rest up today because im working my freelance gig tomorrow and also going back to the dentist..eeeek

time: 7:57AM
mood: zzz...
eating: seltzer
listening: n/a
yesterday was my birthday and i had so much fun! i had dinner with my boyfriend and it was delicious and then we hung out with friends afterwards at the bar and pizza shop and maybe stayed out a little too late lol! i am a little nauseous rn but not terribly hungover so thats good.. also that morning i went for a (tmi)breast exam and will have to do an ultrasound for a lump:-( but lets hope its benign! i feel like i have been juggling doctors visits and freelance work on top of my full time job this month.. but also!! i just put down the deposit for my new studio!!!:-D i get to move in as early as june (rent-free!! my residency is technically july-december but they are able to offer one month free this cycle) and i am soo excited. the space is neat - it comes with a kitchen and lounge area and an outside space. my studio is 8x10ft which was the cheapest private studio i could get but i think the size is just fine for my practice. anyways the residency also comes with cool perks like monthly group meetings and open studio nights and workshops and etc etc
ok now i have to get ready for work lol!

time: 10:19PM
mood: full
eating: frozen smoothie
listening: M.I.A.

the climate crisis has been getting to me real bad lately...... today i wrote a letter to my congressman urging to support the green new deal but it's only a start. i was dissapointed to find out he wasn't in support of AOC (because i voted for him! it was the first time my district turned blue since 2008 and i live in NYC :-/ ). also today i opened up a robinhood account after my boyfriend kept urging me to (i was using other robo investors) and i promptly invested in some green energy etfs.....aahh.. the sense of urgency is unreal.. i also made my first painting in over a month, i've been too occupied with neocities and music. tomorrow i'm going on a tour to look at some art studios... i got into this residency in brooklyn and it'll be the first time i had a studio since 2016 lol. keep on fighting the good fight and organize. individual action won;t fix the environment. peace out.

time: 10:15PM
mood: tired
eating: cotten balls
listening: 90s rnb jams
ha guess what!!! i had to get my tooth extracted :-( lmao.
and i got a cavity filled and 2 more appointments because theres more work to be done:-/
well after the dentist i helped my professor out in her studio arranging storage and hanging some work up. i got covered in dust!!

time: 10:19AM
mood: anxious
eating: coffee
listening: n/a
good morning neocities. in a few hours i will be going to my dentist appointment for a check up. im guessing i will need to have a few root canals done :-( yes i know that sounds bad. yes it's been years since i last went to the dentist. yes i also have no dental insurance
my resolution for this year was to take care of my health. after i fix my teeth im going to do a round of check ups.. go to an ob-gyn, get my blood tested..the works! please keep me in your thoughts that i have nothing serious </3 </3

hey yall whats up!!!!!!! the other day i had my aura photographed in chinatown and then had it translated to me - the cloud above my head was a purple blue and it meant i had a lot of things on my mind and not so much focus. basically the jack of all trades when it comes to my interests and not enough resources or commitment to do them all lol. i had such an eventful and incredible week - I caught up with old art friends from school and past residencies and did lots of fun stuff!!!!
during my vernisage in chinatown i took my friend to bluestockings and picked up Hito Steryel - Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War. I'm maybe halfway through and wow its a read.. I highly recommend if you are into technology&art&institutional critique and how url seeps into IRL. what i kind of like is that hito speaks more broadly of the use of images in our lives that aren't neccessarily in an "fine art" context.. sometimes her writing is a little dense but its worth getting through it:-) if you are unfamiliar w her writing my no.1 recommendation is In Defense of the Poor Image. I maybe read it once a year
i haven't been upkeeping with this site as I wanted to but forgive me !! i can't do it all.
wow!!! today makes it a month since i last updated. i've actually had this tab open for like two WEEKS before i actually sat down and wrote some content 
so what's new with me? hmm so work has been going okay - can't really complain :-) some days are funny and chatty and some days are so packed-full of busyness that..i forget to eat lunch
but maybe the gallery assistant life is perfect for an artist who requires financial stability but enjoys variety in her days..? hm. if you didn't know, i babysat part-time before i took on this job, which i loved but it very tiring as i made barely anything!! it's been almost 2 months now and ive been saving like crazy. like. trying to make up for having no-salary forever
i've been saving about a two-thirds of my paycheck (1/3 of that gets invested) so that hopefully by 6 months or so i'll have 10k in savings. i think a lot about how to budget my money because i want to be as prepared as possible for when i move out! except there are things i dont account for, like groceries or utilities, that im not accounting for in my budget because rn im saving money for those big upfront costs like FURNISHING!!! and actually moving out!!! lol. so in a sense i would be putting aside the same amount of money?? hm.. idk! sorry but i like to talk budgeting because im a taurus and i like security.>:-) also i decided that i cant have a studio unless i get a raise. which is sort of on the back of my mind because once i hit three months employment..i can start negoiating pay........
the time is..10:22! it's getting really close to my bedtime. i wish i had updated more often as i want to make more records of my days. one of my goals for 2019 is to make a digital archive of aLL my stuff so far..making backups of everything that will be safe and accessible for years to come..:-) which means a lot of organizing!! and i have to buy a harddrive but this is something i have my heart set on<3 it's one of those personal projects i want to complete before i move out..
*apparently the last time i updated was 10 years from the future* 

the goal for 2019 is MORE STICKERS! a whole book of lisa frank stickers are cheap and replaceable so theres no excuse to savor those cute lil stickies. DO IT!
good morning everyone! 
i am sneaking in a quick life update.. i am actually leaving for work soon but i have a couple of minutes to kill :-)
what to say? the days have gone by quick
i totally missed my opening reception, but i spent the night with friends anyways so it was a good saturday!!
and work is going okay..im definitely getting way more used to it than i was at the beginning. its either crazy hectic or theres nothing to do! anywho.. i also got my first real paycheck and that was nice
i am in super-saver mode to have a big ol emergency savings! me n my partner are working torwards getting our own place and i am sooo happy
okay okay i know i barely have made time for personal projects but !!!!!! i want to change that soon. i hate making the excuse of "i'm so busy" because with a full time job now this is my new normal.. so i should make art regardless! atleast that's what i think. im super happy im working in my field but really it's a backup job for when i make it big-time as an artist!!
i know you guys feel me..
okay, it's getting close to 8:30! gotta go!
it's sunday!! whoo!
it was so nice to finally sleep in! lol. work is going okay i guess..still a lot to get used to. next week im on my own for the first time :-/ i think i will be okay. i spent the last two days installing my work for a group show! yesterday in particular i was chugging my big heavy paintings around.. so my arms are in pain! lol. i didnt get it hang it like i wanted to (not enough time to fix things, etc) but whatever
i took some pics though!!
some of my 8''x10'' paintings!! i do all of these on panel and i really like how they turn out!
these were a little more work to put up.. this wall can't take nails (brick!) so everything had to be hung by string... not the easiest to install
as you can see... a mess lolol
it turns out the reception will be next week. i like having something to look forward to after work
have a good day, everyone!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you are reading this, CONGRATS!! you have recieved 5,000 good luck
may everyone's wishes and dreams come true, may you kick ass in the new year and i wish happiness for you all
in memory of tia (4/27/94 - 10/8/18) R E S T . I N . P E A C E
my best friend for 10 years. in one year we went from spending the night out, to your cancer diagnosis, to your passing away. thank you for being my friend all these years. i miss you and i love you.

hello! this is my first entry!
today I have the day off, and tomorrow is my second day of work at my new job!!
not going to lie, i am pretty nervous still..
the environment is very different from my past jobs! it's super busy and on a much larger scale. I have a lot to learn from the person I am supposed to replace.. but she's only been there for
two months so I will probably come across things she didn't do!! can you tell im an anxious person ? I want to do really well at this job! it's my first full-time salaried job and that means me and my boyfriend can finally get a place of our own. it's something i have been really really looking forward to
time to start saving big-time!! anyways, what to do on my day off? first, shower
and then work on this website(it's a fun hobby!), and maybe get some painting done ? it's already 1pm as of writing this, so I can't procastinate too long.. we slept in today b/c of the holidays but i do have to get up early tmrw since i live so far away from work
don't get me wrong, i am very excited for what the future may hold!! also, I am participating in a group show here in nyc opening on January 4th!! stay tuned for more details